HEAL THAT SHIT with Alissa Buethe PODCAST Episode 6 - Manifesting
One of the things that I do consistently in my desire to create an intentional life is manifestation. And I do this with the moon cycles because I heard it at some point probably about 3 years ago from somebody I was following along in my spiritual journey that it was a great time to take advantage of the energies that were already present.
There are definitely different rituals you can do in this process. Some people create a sacred space for their rituals, some use incense or smudge their space to cleanse the energy. Honestly, I’m not all that woo woo with how I do it.
Step-by-step New Moon Manifesting Ritual Guide
Set the intention. ...
Create a sacred space. ...
Meditate and Centre Yourself. ...
Write down your intentions. ...
Release Your Intentions To The Universe. ...
Charge Your Intentions. ...
Take Inspired Action.
I don’t think it’s magic or anything. I think the power is in directly asking for what you want in life and working towards it. And if you do that God or the universe, or whoever will give you a little help along the way. But you have to be intentional about what you want.
Manifestation is NOT keeping your desires secret then waiting motionless for those things to appear. To manifest the things you want in your life, you 1st have to make them known to the universe, then take action to make them happen when the opportunities present themselves.
Most of us have not taken the time to truly question who we are to our core and that right there is the key to our desires. You have to know yourself enough to know who you are and what you want so you can intentionally ask for it.
As you go through life and figure those things out, sometimes the things you desire will change and that’s OK. The best thing about being a powerful manifestor is that anything you ask for is going to come your way. Maybe as you grow and evolve, you realize you’ve been asking for the wrong things all this time and then decide you want something else. You can have those things. It’s OK to change your mind at any time. But whatever you do, you still have to be mindful about what you’re putting into the universe as far as your thoughts and actions.
The second part of it is being open to receiving. And not just receiving the very detailed picture you painted of what you’re asking for. But being open to receive what it is you truly desire, regardless of what form it comes in. This is where surrender becomes important. Holding on to a specific outcome creates resistance. And resistance will block you from receiving. The goal is to ask for what you truly desire then be open to the universe bringing it to you in a way that is for your best and highest good.
And the third is taking bold action when opportunities present themselves.
It reminds me of the Thomas Edison quote, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” When we are not mindful about the things we want (aka what we are manifesting with our thoughts and words) and are not present enough to see when those things arrive, and are not open to the idea that they may not look they way we think they should, we miss out on so many of the good things we’ve asked for. Then wonder why other people are so lucky and seem to get everything they want and we don’t.
We have to be intentional about what we want. We have to be present and mindful enough to recognize those things when they show up. We have to be open to the idea that they might not look the way we think they should when they arrive. And we have to be willing to take action when those opportunities present themselves. That is the key to manifesting the things you want. It's not Magic. It's not luck. It is a skill that you can practice. It is something that anyone can do if they're committed to doing it consistently.
I know there’s certain people out there who we just think are lucky because they just always happen to be at the right place at the right time. But most of us don’t understand that all of us happen to be at the right place at the right time. Most of us aren’t present enough with eyes open wide enough to see those opportunities when they’re staring us in the face.
Manifesting is just knowing what you want, being open to receiving it when it arrives, being present and paying attention enough to see it regardless of what it looks like, then being brave enough to take action upon them.