Hi, I’m Alissa.
I have 20 years of experience in the mental health and social services fields providing help, support, training, guidance, and coaching to individuals with barriers to their success.
I also have 40 years of experience as a people-pleaser. I have done the work to learn how to address the faulty beliefs that created this pattern, made changes to my life to overcome this behavior, learned how to identify my own wants and needs, advocate for my desires, and set healthy boundaries which have improved all aspects of my life including my relationships with others.
During this process I found that my calling is to help others navigate this process and guide you through how to make changes to your life proactively and with support before you have to learn them the hard way, like I did.
My philosophy
We are all wonderous, beautiful, unique beings with a desire to be seen, heard, loved and appreciated for everything that makes us uniquely us.
But during the course of our lifetimes we have been conditioned to silence and hide parts of ourselves that are “too much” for others, don’t fit in, have needs, want more, and shine too brightly.
We have been taught to believe that keeping ourselves small keeps us safe, connected, and accepted in our communities, families, jobs, and social circles.
We are not meant to be small. We are not meant to be what we think others want us to be. We are meant to love ourselves so deeply that our inner light radiates from within us, illuminating those around us.
We are meant to have wants, needs, desires, and dreams. We are meant to pursue those things unapologetically, with all the passion we contain, so we can shine our lights brightly as we walk through this world.
We have the ability to have everything we want out of life. We just have to identify it (or remember what we have spent a lifetime repressing to fit in), give ourselves permission to have it, and take action to achieve it.
I can help you do that.