HEAL THAT SHIT with Alissa Buethe PODCAST Episode 2 - Self Love

In this episode, I dive into my journey of self love. Doing the work to create shifts in our mindsets is a start. If you want to receive the things you desire in life (love, healthy relationships, abundance, etc.), you have to love yourself enough to believe you are worthy of those things.

But to truly make the transformation towards self love in your life, you must also intentionally choose the actions and behaviors that align with the things you say and believe you value and desire. Action is where the magic happens. Actively choosing emotionally available partners. Setting boundaries that honor your wants and needs. Showing up with honesty and integrity in your relationships, especially the one with yourself.

Heal That Shit with Alissa Buethe - Episode 2: Self Love

It doesn’t matter how much I say I love myself. It doesn’t even matter how much I truly believe that I love myself.

Real self-love is not just in the words we say or the beliefs we hold about ourselves. Real self love is in the actions that we take towards ourselves. Do these actions actually reflect what I say I believe my values are? When I say, I believe I am worthy of love, do I take actions that reflect being worthy of love towards myself? For example if you say, I deserve to be treated with kindness but continue to maintain relationships where you are not treated with kindness, does that behavior align with what you say you believe and value? If the answer is no, you are not practicing self-love, regardless of what you say and think. Self-love truly is in the actions. If you say, I value honesty and integrity, but continue to engage in relationships with people who lie to you, does that behavior align with what you say you believe and value? If the answer is no, you are not practicing self love.

Saying you want a certain type of relationship in your life, one that is filled with love, respect, commitment, reciprocation, honesty, transparency, support, and continuing to entertain relationships that are not those things is not self love. If you want to truly complete the process of loving yourself beyond the thoughts in the words you have to take intentional action to live those beliefs. That right there is where the healing starts to happen.

It is the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge is knowing the information. Wisdom is being able to apply that knowledge with your actions and decisions.


HEAL THAT SHIT with Alissa Buethe PODCAST Episode 3 - Lean In


HEAL THAT SHIT with Alissa Buethe PODCAST Episode 1 - Who Am I?